Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Oh jeez. How amazing are these? I am obsessed. I have been thinking of ideas/themes for my 25th birthday party, and there has got to be a way to incorporate these into any theme. They are a must! This time around I will start working on decorations earlier. For my valentines party I started the day of! Well, it wouldn't be me if I didn't do it last minute.


  1. Ok so cool story: THESE photos are of my best friend annie's wedding. It was at Sundance. We hung these in a frenzy the day before; it was such a delicious wedding though! Annie's sister in law painted them, we hung them up; it went perfectly with the tables of jars of colorful candy. It felt like candyland o' love.

  2. really? So you could tell me how to do these?? What did she paint it with? Thats too funny?

  3. Yeah apparently they're pretty easy. I'll check with Annie for the deets so I don't forget any crucial steps. :) You have great taste though!

  4. Hi Lauren. I am glad that you enjoyed the fans :). We did too! I am happy to talk with you more about these if you're interested...

  5. Oh I am more than interested. They are beautiful!
