Thursday, February 10, 2011


These have to have been the longest yet the fastest two weeks of my life. I'm not sure how that works but thats how it feels. It really has been so fun watching how much she grows. It makes me sad to think of her growing up but it doesn't make me sad to think of getting sleep again. Oh I just can't wait. Just as long as there aren't any more surprises in the next couple years, I am hopeful that one day I will be able to sleep through the night. Oh i dream of sleep. Oh well, she is well worth it so in the mean time I will have to accept sleeplessness.
So in the last two months Claire has turned over once but has yet to do it again, she loves to smile especially right when she wakes up, she loves talking to us in her own sweet way, she sweats like no other (it's a LeFevre thing), she has a massive head (I didn't think so until she went to the doctor and they said she is in the 96th percentile!) I call her fat head, She got her shots :( and I made dad take her :), and she sticks her tongue out a lot. Over all she is just great. We are in love.

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