Monday, June 13, 2011


This afternoon we headed up the canyon with my brother Chase and our friends the Clarks, for some tin foil dinners and s'mores. I have been wanting to do this for a while now, but the weather just didn't want to cooperate. So I was beyond excited to finally get to go. I spent some time looking up recipes for most delicious tin foil dinners but it didn't do much good because they definitely weren't the most delicious or even close to the most delicious tin foil dinner. Next time I am asking for suggestions. Despite being attacked by mosquitos, a short period of light rain, and our less that impressive dinners, we had a lot of fun spending time together. My new summer goal is to master tin foil dinners. This should be interesting!


  1. Um, is that Nico kissing Claire? SO cute!

  2. I wish I was with you I want to be in this tin foil adventure with you!!

  3. Cute post! except the only good picture of me is the one where you can't see my face!! ahhhhh I wish I was as photogenic as you two!
